Bike riding is one of the best exercise, it is easier on the joints. I have autoimmune diseases and can't do high impact stuff anymore. When we were in our last place our bikes were stolen, and I would LOVE to be able to bike outdoors again! Outside in Nature is our happy place! I could ride while the dogs walk. It would be easier on my joints. It make you feel so free and healthy at the same time! Thank you for this opportunity!
I would love to to win this bike so I have a gentle exercise to stay moving and active. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and my rheumatologist wants me to stay active to keep my mobility. This bike would great for me! Crossing my fingers!!
It's been 30 years since I've had a new bicycle; I was ten when I got my first ten-speed bicycle. I am now 40 and I am an avid cyclist. I am a timid driver so I have always preferred using my bicycle as my main mode of transportation in all elements. The bicycle I have been using for the past ten years was given to me second hand. It has served me well, however it has never fit me quite right. It is a man's bicycle and is really hard on my knees when I do long distance bicycle tours.
I would love to win a Core Line Fixie as I am not able to afford anything new right now or for the relatively near future. To ride something new would be a life changer!
I would love to win a State Bicycle Core Line as I like to ride daily, weather permitting. This bike has solid reviews and I would love to hit the pavement with it during my leisurely riding/travels.
I need to get out of the house more. Since this pandemic started, I've spent way too much time in front of my computer (like right now). Some fresh air and biking would do me a world of good!
I would love to win this bike! Over the last 8 months my husband and I found biking to help lose weight! With a combined loss of 141 lbs , we are in love with biking! We now travel around our state as much as possible to find new trails! Both of our bikes are 15 years old and a new bike would be amazing!!! Right now we ride at least 5 days a week.
This would be a great commuting and cruising bike. Sometimes you need to get places, but don't want to worry about leaving the really nice bike locked up while away. Other times, I just want to cruise the flat lakefront trails with others who for some reason don't want to go as fast as they can.