The back and front hub has Phillips war finish marking and a 6 number. Frame number is 3057 with a f on top. Does anybody know what year and type of bike ?
more than likely it is a "Phillips". Quite often you can find the name on the face of the handle bars. Dunno the year, but try to research Phillips
check this out for any clues
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
They all look like relatives I guess.
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
It does not really much matter, as the condition and missing parts preclude it from being worth much of anything.
Sorry, my friend, it is earlier than my focus. As you already alluded to, probably 1940's. Looks like an extensive project to find period pieces. At this time, I would definitely stabilize it so that it will be in good condition when you do find the parts needed to complete the project.
Found this on the handle bars today. No factory name byt its probably a Phillips : )
He's in Europe, so finding parts might be a little easier.