Ihave an electra with a 3-speed shamino hub. This bike also has coaster brakes. THe bold that connects the wheel to the frame is too short to add a trailer attachment. I need about 1/8th more bolt exposed so I can add the trailer attachment piece. The local bike shop wants to charge me $50. Is this simply enough to do at home?
Is there enough excess on the other side so that you can just move the axle 1/4" over or do you need to replace the axle?
Dave - nice reference. Looks like the axle is part of the gear train, and thus can not be moved side to side. Hopefully Michele has one with a 168mm axle which can just be swapped for a 175mm axle.
$50- sounds like a very reasonable charge - you obviously do not like in the SF Bay Area, where it would be a $150- job.
Thanks for posting. I've decided to take it to the local bike shop.