anyone brave enough to show us their work shop? i spent four hours today cleaning my my work space, a 14X14 ft shed about 75 years old which I run power out to with a extension cord. So now I have my tools all hung up and my work benches clean and my used parts all put away. just have to get rid of some bikes now to make it seem roomier.
"Where ever we go, there we are"
Where are the pictures? they did not come thru. Try again
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
yes there were not there were they? it is too dark now. i will try to post them tomorrow or Wed for sure.
"Where ever we go, there we are"
(01-12-2015, 08:25 PM)painkiller Wrote: Where are the pictures? they did not come thru. Try again
Here are some pics.
"Where ever we go, there we are"
(01-14-2015, 05:00 PM)nfmisso Wrote: Nice.
I am not brave enough to share pictures
On mine, if you push some stuff around, you can find the top of the work surface.......
Come on Nigel! Show us some pics of your shop. It cannot be that bad?..........................
The rest of you too?
Lets have some fun. looking forward to PK's shop too.
"Where ever we go, there we are"
"Lets have some fun. looking forward to PK's shop too"
I was afraid of this also Nigel. Nice quaint little shop there. Can you define clean? Geraldo Rivera tried to get in and look what happened to his career.

you've seen one workstand you've seen them all right? I just have three. I will see what I can do to humor the thread, I am in a transition move and working out of boxes lately and not quite set up for maximum workflow as yet, so hang in there for now. Cheers
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
Nobody ever said "I wish I would have gotten less of a bike!"
Cervelo S5
Cannondale F29 1 alloy Lefty
Trek X-01 Crossbike
2017 Trek Farley 7
71 Ral Professional
72 Ral International
73 Ral Grand Sports
73 Ral Competition
74 Ral Super course
74 Ral Granprix
74 Paramount
2017 Trek Domane SLR 6
Thanks for sharing the post.
work spaces? I have bikes in storage units, garage, basement, family room, Bedroom, kitchen. Not to mention a custom wall mount workstand modified to work out of the trunk of my car.
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
(04-11-2015, 09:35 AM)painkiller Wrote: work spaces? I have bikes in storage units, garage, basement, family room, Bedroom, kitchen. Not to mention a custom wall mount workstand modified to work out of the trunk of my car. 
Pics please.
"Where ever we go, there we are"