Rule # 1, never take your wife on a bicycle run. You never know what you will bring back!

.Kinda cool I guess. It sure is a conversation piece. so here are some pics.
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
If you have a bike shop, that should be out of reach, on display.
(08-07-2013, 07:27 PM)Robert 7 Wrote: Wow! That bike is cherry. It's so off the charts. Man. Would you mind if I asked what you paid? I'd drop $200 in an instant.
P/S, the name alone is worthwhile, the fact that it is a Chinese bike meant for the Chinese market is great- and it's got this awesome funky vibe about it. Great pix BTW
(08-07-2013, 07:27 PM)Robert 7 Wrote: Wow! That bike is cherry. It's so off the charts. Man. Would you mind if I asked what you paid? I'd drop $200 in an instant.
P/S, the name alone is worthwhile, the fact that it is a Chinese bike meant for the Chinese market is great- and it's got this awesome funky vibe about it. Great pix BTW
I'd pay 20 bucks for the plate alone!! LOL
Thanks Robert, My wife and I felt the same way about the vibe thing, it seems to come with a spirit. I went to look at a bicycle with the brand name of General, a company that lasted about 4 years, then saw this in the corner. The bike seduced my wife and I, should have never made eye contact with it.

He wanted $250 for the forever and $45 for the General. I walked out with both bikes for $135. The general will be gone by the weekend and i have no Idea what to do with the forever at this time except enjoy it for awhile
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
(08-08-2013, 12:44 AM)1FJEF Wrote: If you have a bike shop, that should be out of reach, on display.
I hear you there Jef but who could resist spinning the bell or sqeezing those brake levers. The handcuff wheel lock is tits too. Just one ride around the block would put anybody in a better mood. It takes you to another place somehow if only for a moment. I do not want to disturb the patina this bike has so I will pretty much just dust it off and roll with it. If Roberts $200 was an offer I would probably do that but who knows. I am glad I could share the pics with the tutor folks.
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
Hang it from the ceiling, put it on the wall behind a counter. That would be a huge boon to biz. Marketing 101. Get the customers attention, make them smile, establish yourself as different from the crowd- I could go on. If I had a bike shop that wasn't tiny, I'd have that on display.
your right jef, Its not hurting anything just hanging around. It a great conversation piece for sure. I have pissed away more than $100 on not so fine, fine dining before
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
A friend of mine Had some friends from China fly in for a visit this week so I brought my Yongjiu to them to see and to tell me what if anything they could about the bicycle. I could not believe the response they had, in awe and seemed amazed at how I got one and the great condition it was in. They told me how as children they would sit on the toptube, or handlebars and mom would sit on the back rack and it held baskets that would also carry grain, food, and at times even a pig. These were daily tools and handed down through the family and usually beat up and rusty. Some people had to wait for two years to get one, and cost an average of 4 months wages to obtain. They make things last forever there and if it is not at least 100 years old, it is not considered an antique. This Bicycle of mine came over after the year 2000 because it was registered for the 200-2001 year. On the back of the plate it tells the town it was registered in. More grown up now they live in the city , the apt they live in houses like 10,000 people. Wow, not a typo. They tell me much like the younger gen. here. they do not use bicycles like this because they want the new stuff. She tells me "you keep you keep"
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
Had some fun with my new friends from China. They were tickled pink just getting to ride it and snap some pics for their friends back home.
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
That indeed is a funky bike. I have seen bikes like that made in India too. BTW nice shorts in the first shot and nice hat , PK...........:-)
Never Give Up!!!
(08-23-2013, 11:28 PM)GeorgeET Wrote: That indeed is a funky bike. I have seen bikes like that made in India too. BTW nice shorts in the first shot and nice hat , PK...........:-)
Thanks George, Its the boy next door look. I may never lose my boyish charm

or that gut!
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"
That is such a great story PK! (Great pix too) So tell us about the items you have hauled with that awesome bike!
Thanks Robert, I did a movie under the stars for them, they have never done that before, believe it or not they also tried a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the first time. We had a great time, hope I can go visit them sometime. I have only ridden the bike once to the icecream stand and hauled back a swirl cone, still looking for a pig in a basket.
There are two kinds of people in the world, "Those who help themselves to people, and those who help people!"