(08-28-2022, 11:06 AM)Ablang Wrote: This article gives high props to this e-bike, which is rare I guess to have a great e-bike for less than $1k.
Does anyone who owns this bike have any feedback on it?
The $800 Lectric XP Lite e-bike is a sheer joy to ride
I have no experience with this bike, but I call into question its quality and performance based on the reviewer's article. The article was obviously not written by a cyclist since it really does not provide any specifics other than the factory specs. which in my opinion are not that great for an e-bike that I would buy. Nearly 40 lbs without the battery for a small foldable bike does not sound like a "Lite" model to me. Add some accessories (lights, racks, etc.) and that bike will be over 50 lbs before you add another pound for a pint of water. Many people are not going to want to, or will not be able to lift that "Lite" bike for storage and/or transportation purposes. The article provides good photos; unfortunately those photos show the low quality of the frame welds; many inconsistencies which should not be obvious to the naked eye whether done by hand or machine.
The reviewer states that every single one of his BBQ guests (how many guests; 2, 50, ?) "gravitated" to the Lectric model, but no idea was given as to how many trial rides were taken, how long in duration and distance the trial rides were, and if the bike was being recharged between trial rides. The bike only has a range of 15 miles unassisted by pedalling so if 8 people took it out for a 2 mile ride it would be dead already and require 4 hrs to charge while providing only about an hours worth of use.
Overall, the review seemed more like a thinly veiled attempt at advertising the bike under the guise of an independent review which even if it was truly independent, was only a vague subjective review by a non-cyclist (at least judging by the review) with the only specifics being the spec's quoted from the dealer.
A recommendation to all who are planning on buying an e-bike: take a test ride that will go half the maximum range distance away from the shop and back. If the bike dies before you make it back then look for a different bike since that will not provide you the specified range for your body size, etc. The Lectric bike could be just fine; but I need one to go the distance and not leave me stranded; and I guarantee that you will not be happy pedalling that bike for any real distance without the electric motor working. I also recommend that you try pedalling the bike by muscle power alone to see what you can expect when the power assist fails be it due to a dead battery or breakdown.
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